We surpassed our goal last year, so we’ve raised the goal this year to 400 shoeboxes! Preprinted shoeboxes will be available soon for pick up. Please pick up a box,...
If you are interested in joining Hampton First Baptist church or just want to know more, please join us for our Connect Class during the 10:30 AM worship service. Please...
Join us for a day of serving our community and those in need. See the front office for more details.
CORE - SESSION 1 All guys 6th grade and up, are you ready to go on a journey to become a better man? "Today, it is culturally accepted, even applauded,...
Join us for a fun and festive evening at our Trunk or Treat event! Bring the whole family and enjoy an exciting evening of fun, fellowship, and candy. Volunteers Needed!...
All WOMEN are invited to attend a time of sharing and Bible study! See Connie Yancey or Jennifer Yarbrough for more info. Childcare provided.
All women & girls 6-12th grade are invited to attend. Please see Caroline Mason if childcare is needed.
Join us for our next Family Conference and meal on Aug 18th @ 6:00 PM. Please bring your FAVORITE dish or dishes for everyone to share. We will be having...